Is it Safe to Go Gorilla Trekking In Uganda?
Yes, gorilla trekking in Uganda is generally considered. Gorilla Trekking in Uganda is not dangerous because the Ugandan Wildlife Authority has implemented measures to ensure the safety of visitors and gorillas during the gorilla trek. Therefore, safety during gorilla trekking in Uganda is guaranteed as long as the laid out gorilla trekking rules and regulations are followed and the trekking is done with a habituated Gorilla family. Mountain gorillas are by nature not dangerous thus being a few humble creatures any nature lover should expect encountering on Uganda safari.
A mature adult male (silverback gorilla) weighs about 400 pounds and when standing it can reach 6 feet. When you bump into a silverback or even black backs, it is possible for one to get frightened but these are peaceful creatures and can easily be interacted with face-to-face. Tourists should note that through the habituation exercise, these apes get used to human presence before being visited. The process lasts for 2 or more years although some groups can take shorter period a case in point being Bitukura gorilla family.
Important tips to safety and Security during gorilla trekking
Follow the Gorilla Trekking Rules for your own safety and security during gorilla trekking: To avoid irritating Mountain Gorillas, keep a distance of about 7 meters even when they approach you and always stick with your group under the leadership of the park Rangers and Guides.
Follow the instructions of Rangers: All gorilla treks start with the lead of an experienced park guides and trackers. These are not only well-versed with the behaviors of mountain gorillas but also ensure safety of visitors while in the forest. The park ranger guides are fully trained and while on an actual trek, they will be equipped with guns. In case of any intimidating behavior from gorillas for instance (In case they charge at you), the park ranger guide will give instructions that all guests must observe.

Gorilla families per trekkers
All gorilla trekking expeditions are conducted on gorilla families that have undergone full habituation. Each group comprising of 8 visitors is entitled to visit one habituated gorilla group and this is a standard rule whether you are in Uganda, Rwanda or Congo. After long day trek, you will be allowed to watch gorillas face-to-face for only 1 hour and when taking photos, it is recommended that you turn off the flashlight.
How to behave in the presence of mountain gorillas
- While you may wish to have direct eye contact with mountain gorillas, it should be brief. When they have charged, avoid direct eye contact as much as you can –and alternatively look down which is a sign of submissiveness.
- A safe distance of 8 meters must be observed away from the family of gorillas at all times. This safe measure is intended not only to protect visitors but also gorillas from contracting infectious diseases.
- When coughing, please cover your mouth and or nose when sneezing. Failure to do so may mean putting these endangered species at the risk of contracting the infectious diseases. This is why it is advisable that all trekkers visiting gorillas must be free of any illnesses.
- Keep your voices low when trekking or even at the time you will be observing gorillas face-to-face.
Mountain gorillas are unique animals thriving only in 3 places: Rwanda, Uganda and Congo. They are among a few threatened or endangered species in the wild as a result of habitat loss, poaching and spread of infectious diseases, etc. About 1063 of these massive apes thrive in the world and trekking them can be done in the 4 National Parks: Volcanoes National Park Rwanda, Mgahinga & Bwindi in Uganda then the Congo Virunga National Park.
Contact Us for information, Inspiration or a Quotation for a Gorilla Trekking and Uganda Safari Vacation.